Heroes S02E06 The Line in Streaming HDTV Flash Video!
If you want to watch the episode as fast as possible in crystal clear video free to use Amazon Unbox and buy the episode for $1.99 HERE
This blog and the high quality video works best with the firefox browser available from www.firefox.com

im from ireland stayed up all night waiting for this ha ha its now 636 a.m. ha ha
love heroes claire marry me ha ha
LOL i am in england, stayed up too like a bloody geek hehehehe, but the link is not working!!!!!!!! heeeeeeeellppp!!!! feed my obsession!!!!
The hosting server is pretty much begging for mercy right now. It works its just a 'little' slow..
pls upload this on stage 6 asap
so that we can download also...
ty for uploading, but it doesnt seem to be working.
i'm downloading it but when its 84% it doesnt work anymore... the time was wasted
pleaseeeee.... fix the link... i want to resume my download...
whenever i try to click play, it only displays connecting :(
need help please...
The streaming video will experience some problems due to the exceptional popularity. If it does not work just try again in a little bit!
Season 2 Episode 6
i only saw like a few seconds of it. haha oh well, ill be patient. thanks for uploading anyway! you rock ;)
Keep up the good work. :)
doesnt work dont know y? please help
? does it matter which divx player you have !!!!!!!
why isnt it working?
(it only shows connecting?)
video is down for me
Hey i really apreciate what ye are doing here ,thanks for spending a lot of your time making it so that impatent people like me can see a great show. ye make my week.
i found a place that has stage6/divx stream but the blog author is deleting my links
I'm from Australia and I've been waiting for this to load for soooooo long. i can't wait any more!!
if you find any other links to watch this ep. please let me know!
please upload this epi on stage 6 and give us link too asap//..
STAGE 6 pleeeesszzzzeee
Thanks for this one. I couldn't wait because it was taking too long to download this episode on rapidshare. At least I was able to watch it now. yay!
Do you have the preview/promo of Episode 7?
u stupid retards, stop asking for divx i just gave u a site where they have divx
cool..thanks maan.
you can download the episode using that link. thanks.
still..daniel, you can post the video on stage6 pls? it takes to long to download on the ihatetorrents website...
can SOMEONE upload THIS EPISODE on STAGE6 PLEASE!!! AND post the LINK!!!
Unfortunately my upload speed to stage6 is.. well nonexistent for some reason.
If anyone else here uploads it I wil be happy to post the link!
Here is a stage6 link http://www.projectfreetv.co.uk/divx.php?id=1797708
just watched on the above link, with no problems
THe copy online as streaming here now is from Stage6 and working !
zwienige episode 4 teh uberwin ,
awesome high-def! thanks for posting this!!!
im from place that doesnt exitist watching this on the internet is very confusing how can they know all these people abilites...
who are u. what abilites do u have?
i am something u cant see coming u cant hear or smell me. i am as a cloud that mimic's other people i see. U cant catch me, dont bother trying iv'ed already won.
i know what u are already iv'e encounterd your kind it wanted only to drink the thrist over took him, but u are different. i shall meet u, under the barracks noon. If u dont come then i know what i must do!
dude you fucking rock!!!! I'm from fucking holland and really stoned right now it's 9.18 am. and i couldnt sleep anymore so i rolled up a nice dutchy weed joint and started surching for a new site for herous and why?? cause up here were still half way up to fuckin season 1 what sucks cause i've seen all of season 1 on tv-links.co.uk but they were banned because of copy rights <--- not sure how to spell it:P however now i can see everything here so you defenetely rock greetz youre new dutch stoner friend.... (sorry all just al little weirded out at the moment...
as good as what the links are, it appears that u are missing about 10mins between the between the end of part 1 and the part 2
ihatetorrents.com doesn't work anymore. boohoo!!! :(
AWH godaaaamn u it wont work il just half to wait a extra hour
I can't wait for the newest ep.!
fucking retarded admin.. stop fucking removing my links on siderell
dude im from Dominican Republic...me and my friends!!! LOVE YOU! 4 doing this!!! U ROCKKKKKKKKKK!!!
Dude seriously.. If the owner of the blog wants to remove links to other inferior blogs that wants to piggyback on his work... whats the problem??
check out FnuZ it is a search engine dedicated free streaming online sites www.fnuz.com
I've just wasted half an hour downloading a lot of crap and this doesn't fucking work!
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