Heroes S02E11 Powerless in streaming HDTV Flash Video!
If you want to watch the episode as fast as possible in crystal clear video free to use Amazon Unbox and buy the episode for $1.99 HERE
This blog and the high quality video works best with the firefox browser available from http://www.firefox.com/

You guys rock! My computer restarted while recording and I lost the whole episode. I can't watch it tomorrow, as I have to study for some test. I hope you get it up soon. Thank yo so much!
haven't seen the episode yet. can't wait. so who died in the episode? hehe
just curious to know when it will be up
yay, me 2!
are there any low quality videos out there
Still anxiously waiting...
Hope it comes out soon.
Its on the way, just taking a little time!
Thanks, man! You are3 providing a great service to us all and I commend you for that.
Youku version up, DivX coming soon!
great work - but youku sux balls :(
Yeah, we know youku is far from optimal but you probably agree its better than nothing?
thats exactly the question im askin myself now. youku loads so slow, i can either choose to watch it in 5 second slices with 15 seconds buffering or go to sleep and wait till it finished loading - but then the s6-version is online. so anyway around, its a dilemma :)
I'm having that some dilemma, and I have school tomorrow. My Heroes addiction is slowly killing me!
just interested: is there a special reason for uploading to youku first? does it take much longer to upload to s6 or does converting to divx consume so much time?
YouKu doesnt take that long to upload! Was able to watch perfectly normally. Thank you so much. Your efforts are much appreciated. Now we've got to bloody wait until the writer's strike is over!!
its not working for me, i dunno if its my adobe flash player plugin or if its firefox, someone help me out?
DivX now up and running!!
it says divx web player can't play this url...why?
it's fine with me when i use firefox, for the first 56 seconds anyway, then it just freezes, anyone else having this problem?
yes i am for the first 3 mins its does great then after that it just stops...
It does the same for me. After 1:11 it stops and doesn't load anymore.
Another one having trouble, using Firefox, no problem with any other of the previous episodes. It freezes when Maya is telling Mohinder she read his father's books. And then it just keeps on studdering "fathers books, fathers books fathersboooooooks".
Maybe it's just because the episode isnt uploaded yet
I'm having the same problem as many others. All other episodes were fine, but this one only downloads about 2 mins, then stops.
HUGE kudos for what you guys are doing for all us heroes addicts out there!
I can't wait to see the next chapter this episode was amazing
OMG! i was SO right about who'll die. and everybody was like "oh it's so obvious its maya because sylar will take her power.'
but NO~! it's nikki and i was SO right! >_<
they were right about nathan though... i was too XD
do you guys know of any site where we can download it or watch it? it takes too long to stream on divx on this site. :(
is this it?
I keep getting a message "error 404", video cannot be found, may have been remove from server." I haven't seen season 2 episodes. What's up with that.
can nyone tell me when is the volume three goign to start as i live in the uk here they havent even finished season 2 but thanks to u guys here i have seen it all ....... when does it start ???
americans get it september 22nd 08, so i guess its gonna take longer to come over here to the UK, might be on sci fi channel though over winter??
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thanks this is a cool link
I'm at 31:48 grrr cmon download faster!
It starts today oct 1st 08 only a few days after those american fellows get it
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